TechInvention Partners with Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health to Boost Vaccine Manufacturing in Africa

Jan 9, 2025

TechInvention Partners with Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health to Boost Vaccine Manufacturing in Africa
TechInvention Partners with Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health to Boost Vaccine Manufacturing in Africa


In a new move towards further improving health standards in Africa, TechInvention has collaborated with the Ethiopian Ministry of Health on local vaccine production development. This is in pursuit of the African Union Agenda 2063 and Partnership for African Vaccine Manufacturing (PAVM) for strengthening the resilience of the health system on the continent.

Key Highlights:

  • Comprehensive Support:

TechInvention will upgrade the feasibility study, design the manufacturing facility, undertake geotechnical investigations, and evaluate environmental and social impacts.

  • Strategic Advisory Role:

The company will provide technical guidance through preparation of technical specifications, development of tender documents, and technology selection, acquisition, and transfer.

  • Quality Standards:

TechInvention will ensure that the facility operating to manufacture the vaccine is in conformity with international quality standards.

  • Signing Ceremony:

The agreement was signed on December 26, 2024, in Addis Ababa by the Minister of Health of Ethiopia, Dr. Mekdes Daba, and Syed Ahmed, CEO of TechInvention.

Statements from Leaders or Officials:

  • Dr. Mekdes Daba, Minister of Health, Ethiopia:

The key to ensuring our population's health and in terms of pandemic preparedness is local vaccine production. This agreement represents a huge leap for Ethiopia, enabling it to produce vaccines that meet international standards, and then supply the whole of Africa and the rest of the world.

  • Syed Ahmed, CEO, TechInvention

We are committed to supporting the journey of becoming vaccine self-reliant by Ethiopia, combining our technical know-how and experience to enhance health security on the African continent; this will be a milestone step toward equitable access to vaccines across the continent.Preparations for building the vaccine manufacturing facility are already in place and will start producing vaccines within a few months. The alliance is likely to fortify equitable access to vaccinations as well as individual health infrastructures.

Tech Invention
Vaccine manufacturing
African Union Agenda 2063
international healthcare standards
pandemic preparedness
equitable access to vaccines
Tech Invention
Vaccine manufacturing
African Union Agenda 2063
international healthcare standards
pandemic preparedness
equitable access to vaccines

TechInvention Partners with Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health to Boost Vaccine Manufacturing in Africa

Jan 9, 2025

TechInvention Partners with Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health to Boost Vaccine Manufacturing in Africa
TechInvention Partners with Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health to Boost Vaccine Manufacturing in Africa

In a new move towards further improving health standards in Africa, TechInvention has collaborated with the Ethiopian Ministry of Health on local vaccine production development. This is in pursuit of the African Union Agenda 2063 and Partnership for African Vaccine Manufacturing (PAVM) for strengthening the resilience of the health system on the continent.

Key Highlights:

  • Comprehensive Support:

TechInvention will upgrade the feasibility study, design the manufacturing facility, undertake geotechnical investigations, and evaluate environmental and social impacts.

  • Strategic Advisory Role:

The company will provide technical guidance through preparation of technical specifications, development of tender documents, and technology selection, acquisition, and transfer.

  • Quality Standards:

TechInvention will ensure that the facility operating to manufacture the vaccine is in conformity with international quality standards.

  • Signing Ceremony:

The agreement was signed on December 26, 2024, in Addis Ababa by the Minister of Health of Ethiopia, Dr. Mekdes Daba, and Syed Ahmed, CEO of TechInvention.

Statements from Leaders or Officials:

  • Dr. Mekdes Daba, Minister of Health, Ethiopia:

The key to ensuring our population's health and in terms of pandemic preparedness is local vaccine production. This agreement represents a huge leap for Ethiopia, enabling it to produce vaccines that meet international standards, and then supply the whole of Africa and the rest of the world.

  • Syed Ahmed, CEO, TechInvention

We are committed to supporting the journey of becoming vaccine self-reliant by Ethiopia, combining our technical know-how and experience to enhance health security on the African continent; this will be a milestone step toward equitable access to vaccines across the continent.Preparations for building the vaccine manufacturing facility are already in place and will start producing vaccines within a few months. The alliance is likely to fortify equitable access to vaccinations as well as individual health infrastructures.


Tech Invention
Vaccine manufacturing
African Union Agenda 2063
international healthcare standards
pandemic preparedness
equitable access to vaccines
Tech Invention
Vaccine manufacturing
African Union Agenda 2063
international healthcare standards
pandemic preparedness
equitable access to vaccines