Breakthrough in Women’s Health: Ayurvedic Menopause Therapy Patented by NIN Scientist

Dec 26, 2024

National Institute of Nutrition, FDA guidelines on HRT, Osteoporosis treatment Ayurvedic research
National Institute of Nutrition, FDA guidelines on HRT, Osteoporosis treatment Ayurvedic research


Dr Vandana Singh, from the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Hyderabad, has successfully developed a novel Ayurvedic-based, non-hormonal therapy to treat menopausal syndrome-an anticipated condition affecting more than 1.2 billion women across the globe by 2030.Key Highlights

Ayurvedic Innovation for Menopause:

  • The new formulation of Dr Vandana Singh is based on Ayurvedic principles and ancient Sanskrit literature.

  • This therapy consists of an indigenous grass as the primary ingredient and has been used to treat various diseases such as osteoporosis, fatty liver, and metabolic syndrome.

Benefits Over HRT:

  • The traditional HRT has resulted in serious side effects, which include vaginal bleeding, liver disorders, and increased risks of breast cancer, heart attacks, and strokes.

  • US FDA has also warned about the long-term use of HRT, and hence this Ayurvedic therapy is the need of the hour to replace it with safer alternatives.

Development and International Acceptance:

  • It was developed under the guidance of Dr. B Dinesh Kumar, Scientist G and Head of Drug Division, NIN.

  • This process encompasses critical identification of plant species, proof of concept, regulatory compliance, and formulation of a prototype.

  • The work has gained international appreciation through its nomination for the Alice and Albert Netter Prize 2023 of the European Society of Gynecology.

Global Impact and Future Advancements:

  • This non-hormonal treatment offers a safer and more effective approach to enhancing quality of life in women who are nearing menopause.

  • Research work published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, the findings point to future prospects for improving women's health, most notably through Ayurvedic science.

This is a promising, safe, and effective Ayurvedic formulation for managing menopausal syndrome developed by Dr. Vandana Singh. It has the potential to revolutionize women's health care worldwide by integrating traditional Ayurvedic knowledge with modern scientific rigor.

National Institute of Nutrition
FDA guidelines on HRT
Osteoporosis treatment Ayurvedic research
National Institute of Nutrition
FDA guidelines on HRT
Osteoporosis treatment Ayurvedic research

Breakthrough in Women’s Health: Ayurvedic Menopause Therapy Patented by NIN Scientist

Dec 26, 2024

National Institute of Nutrition, FDA guidelines on HRT, Osteoporosis treatment Ayurvedic research
National Institute of Nutrition, FDA guidelines on HRT, Osteoporosis treatment Ayurvedic research

Dr Vandana Singh, from the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Hyderabad, has successfully developed a novel Ayurvedic-based, non-hormonal therapy to treat menopausal syndrome-an anticipated condition affecting more than 1.2 billion women across the globe by 2030.Key Highlights

Ayurvedic Innovation for Menopause:

  • The new formulation of Dr Vandana Singh is based on Ayurvedic principles and ancient Sanskrit literature.

  • This therapy consists of an indigenous grass as the primary ingredient and has been used to treat various diseases such as osteoporosis, fatty liver, and metabolic syndrome.

Benefits Over HRT:

  • The traditional HRT has resulted in serious side effects, which include vaginal bleeding, liver disorders, and increased risks of breast cancer, heart attacks, and strokes.

  • US FDA has also warned about the long-term use of HRT, and hence this Ayurvedic therapy is the need of the hour to replace it with safer alternatives.

Development and International Acceptance:

  • It was developed under the guidance of Dr. B Dinesh Kumar, Scientist G and Head of Drug Division, NIN.

  • This process encompasses critical identification of plant species, proof of concept, regulatory compliance, and formulation of a prototype.

  • The work has gained international appreciation through its nomination for the Alice and Albert Netter Prize 2023 of the European Society of Gynecology.

Global Impact and Future Advancements:

  • This non-hormonal treatment offers a safer and more effective approach to enhancing quality of life in women who are nearing menopause.

  • Research work published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, the findings point to future prospects for improving women's health, most notably through Ayurvedic science.

This is a promising, safe, and effective Ayurvedic formulation for managing menopausal syndrome developed by Dr. Vandana Singh. It has the potential to revolutionize women's health care worldwide by integrating traditional Ayurvedic knowledge with modern scientific rigor.


National Institute of Nutrition
FDA guidelines on HRT
Osteoporosis treatment Ayurvedic research
National Institute of Nutrition
FDA guidelines on HRT
Osteoporosis treatment Ayurvedic research