General Health

General Health

World Health for all this “World Humanitarian Day”

World Health for all this “World Humanitarian Day”

Sep 10, 2024

Sep 10, 2024

World Health for all this “World Humanitarian Day , Pharmacy Pro
World Health for all this “World Humanitarian Day , Pharmacy Pro
World Health for all this “World Humanitarian Day , Pharmacy Pro

On World Humanitarian Day 2024, we acknowledge the valuable work of humanitarian operators risking their lives to save others during pandemics and natural disasters.

The UN World Humanitarian Day is celebrated to raise awareness and promote unity amongst all Humanitarian workers. On 19th August 2008, UN High Commissioner of Human Rights Mr. Siergo and 20 others lost their lives in a brutal terror attack in Baghdad. Considering this heartfelt incident, the United Nations dedicated this day for those risking lives in natural calamities by drafting the official designation of United Nations World Humanitarian Day.

contribution to the society

We stay in a world where natural calamities like floods, terrorism, and pandemics occur on an annual basis. The humanitarian workers perform an integral role to assist people in times of natural calamities or emergencies, being the first to revert to a crisis and the last to leave from the situation. Their duties as a humanitarian worker during natural calamities are-

  • Get engaged in crisis response with search and rescue operations. Contribute financially to the welfare of victims. Provide quick help.

  • Identify needs. Coordinate by gathering people to help victims. Save lives faster.

  • Support communities to rebuild lives. Be resilient after calamities to tackle any future crisis.

Karnataka reported a loss of Rs. 3500 to 4000 crores due to floods according to their revenue minister. In such situations, the role of humanitarian services is important to avoid losses.

natural calamities floods earthquakes disasters

Healthcare promotion is essential for safety during disasters. Few healthcare measures are -

Floods -

  • Avoid flood-water as the water carries debris. If electrical wires are submerged in the water, you are at risk of electrocution.

  • Stay alert for evacuation or rescue facilities, if floods are indoors. Move to the ground.

  • Maintain a safe distance from potholes and gutters. Walk in the middle of the path.

Earthquakes -

  • Take cover under any furniture. Stay steady.

  • Don’t use the elevator. Stay away from glass sliding windows or lighting fixtures.

  • Secure large appliances with metal strapping. Heavy objects indoors must be on the floor.

  • Windows and doors must be protected for safety during monsoon.

Pandemics -

  • Empower local authorities to develop healthcare practices. Identify the causes and risks of COVID-19 spread.

  • Practise sanitization, hand hygiene, and social distancing. Avoid large gatherings. Wear face masks outdoors.

India’s contribution to humanitarian services is noteworthy. India provided immediate humanitarian services of medicines, foodstuff, and essential products for the blast explosion in Beirut, Lebanon. The World Food Programme (WFP) provides services like food procurement, organizes cargo transportation, supplies medical wellness, timely logistics support, and accommodation to help the workers provide beneficial humanitarian services during disasters. Authorities like the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) provide ideal recovery measures to tackle any natural disasters in the future.



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humanitarian day
health equality
world health
humanitarian day
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