Women are allocated a greater share in health issues. They are exposed to many unique health issues starting from their puberty. Most of these diseases affect only women, and many others affect women differently than men. Women are vulnerable to diseases like breast cancer, cervical cancer, osteoporosis, pregnancy-related complications, disease related to the menstrual cycle, complications during menopause, and many others. Women residing in cities may have access to personal healthcare and medical resources. But, for the women who are deserted on an island of poverty with no education, and no resources — survival is backbreaking.
How can we maintain our health, and extend our help to the women in need? One of the easy and effective ways is by creating awareness. Let’s celebrate women’s day week by getting familiar with the health issues faced by women.
Four major women health issues are:
Menstrual Hygiene -

Problem: Due to a lack of resources, many girls reaching the age of puberty do not have access to information about menstruation. Menstrual hygiene, here, seems quite far-fetched. Young girls miss school due to the unavailability of menstrual hygiene products, and the taboo and unawareness associated with periods in general. The issue is more prevalent in rural areas, where poverty, lack of resources, and education result in neglected menstrual hygiene.
Solution: We have the potential to bring a change by using the power of education, expression, and reach. Government policies can have a large-scale positive impact, NGO support, and individual stance can help a great deal in creating awareness and providing necessary and affordable resources to the distant areas.
Osteoporosis -

Problem: The decrease in the mass and strength of bone leads to a decrease in bone density. This weakens the bone, makes it brittle, and increases the risk of wrist, spine, and hip fracture. After the age of 35, the breakdown of bone mass happens at a higher rate. Bone fractures, loss of height, and lower back pain are some of the common symptoms of Osteoporosis. Women, in general, and those above 50 are at great risk for Osteoporosis.
Solution: To prevent Osteoporosis good nutrition and daily exercise is essential. A change in your lifestyle can reduce the risk of developing the condition. Keeping a good balance of calcium and taking prescribed supplements slows down the progress of the condition. Smoking must be avoided, as the nicotine in tobacco interferes with bone regeneration and causes bone loss.
Depression & Anxiety -

Problem: Women are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety. The conditions like premenstrual syndrome — begins in between ovulation and the beginning of the menstrual cycle, premenstrual dysmorphic disorder, postpartum syndrome, postpartum psychosis, perimenopause cause physical and mental discomfort. The constant shift of hormones leads to depression and anxiety causing sadness, repetitive negative thoughts, elevated mood, tiredness, and emotional and mental distress.
Solution: The likely treatments include antidepressants, psychotherapy, CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy), estrogen intake. A good lifestyle can also bring a positive impact. Taking up a creative project can also help to channel your energy towards a productive direction.
Cancer -

Problem: Women may suffer from cancers like breast, ovarian, cervical, and uterine cancer. Awareness about these cancers can help in their prevention and early treatment. Breast cancer can be prevented and diagnosed early by routine check-ups. Ovarian cancer can have symptoms like pain in the pelvic floor, heavy menstruation, and abdominal pain. Uterine cancer can give trouble in urinating, vaginal bleeding, and pelvic pain.
Solution: The causes of these various cancers can lie in your family history, the environment, lifestyle, all of the above, or none of the above. Some of the genetic factors are inevitable. However, healthy lifestyle choices like clean eating, exercise, mental and physical health can reduce the chances of the disease. Nonetheless, if you see any abnormal symptoms it is advisable to consult a medical expert, immediately.
You can take charge of your health by educating yourself, and empowering others. Women are the epitome of pure force and must live so!
Disclaimer: All the information is for education purposes only. Please consult a medical expert in case of any signs and symptoms.