As new COVID-19 cases continue to emerge in the country, gyms and fitness centers are closed as a precautionary measure during the ongoing outbreak. A significant challenge is posed for remaining physically active while staying at home for prolonged periods of time. It can also challenge the mental health of citizens and cause additional stress. World health organization recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity throughout the week. These recommendations are achievable even at home, without any dumbbell or treadmill and with limited space. The following are some tips on how to reduce sedentary behavior and stay active at home:
An Ideal Home Workout
![Home workout](
A great workout would include squats, knee to elbow, push-ups, walking lunges (one with each leg), side knee lifts, and v-sit exercises (10 reps for a beginner, 15 for an intermediate and 20+ for someone at an advanced level) in that order. Ideally do three to five rounds of this routine with one minute of rest between each circuit.
What about couch potatoes?
Don’t worry! you can work while seated upright on a couch. Your workout would include sit and stand (Go from sitting to standing to sitting again, 10 times in a row), legs up the wall (Bring your hips close to the wall and let your legs rest), calf stretch, and chair dips.
Follow an online exercise class.
![Online exercise fitness](
Most of the fitness brands are offering these workouts free for the time being.
So here are free workouts that you can try via streaming services.
Cure Fit
Nike training club
PUMA TRAC — Fitness Training, Workouts & Run.
Decathlon Coach
Meditation and deep breaths can help you remain calm. You can do seated meditation for 5–10 minutes or more, to relax and clear your mind. Sit comfortably on the floor (alternatively, sit on a chair). Make sure your back is straight. Close your eyes, relax your body, and deepen your breathing. try not to focus on any thoughts or concerns and concentrate on your breath.
* source: world health organization