Nutrition and Deficiency

Nutrition and Deficiency

Signs of iron deficiency in your body

Signs of iron deficiency in your body

Aug 3, 2024

Aug 3, 2024

iron deficiency, nutrition, health signs, wellness, Pharmacy Pro
iron deficiency, nutrition, health signs, wellness, Pharmacy Pro
iron deficiency, nutrition, health signs, wellness, Pharmacy Pro

Iron is an essential mineral crucial to the development of the body. It assists in oxygen transportation and maintains overall body growth. The protein hemoglobin is also produced with the help of iron which in turn helps in hormone production. Often, iron deficiency is not apparent and goes undiagnosed. The body starts to show intensified signs of iron deficiency only when the condition is moderate to severe. Women are at higher risk of developing iron-deficiency anaemia. It occurs due to several reasons like heavy menstrual bleeding, iron-deficient food, and pregnancy, among others.

8 symptoms your body shows when it’s low on iron

  • Extreme fatigue: An iron-depleted body is unable to produce enough hemoglobin. This results in lower oxygen levels in the body causing breathlessness and tiredness. It is one of the most prevalent symptoms of iron deficiency. Even with proper rest, the body feels tired. This condition can be reversed in a few months by switching to an iron-rich diet.

  • Pale skin: Iron depletion in your body makes your skin pale and lifeless. In intense cases, it may also cause itchiness and flakiness in the skin. The pale yellow color in the inner part of your lower eyelid is also indicative of iron deficiency.

  • Breathlessness and headache: Iron deficiency reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity and your body organs receive less oxygen. Lungs have to overwork to provide for oxygen needs. This results in lower blood pressure, headache, chest pain, dizziness, and breathlessness.

  • Coldness in the body: You may experience cold hands and feet despite hot weather. The low levels of red blood cells, and hence low oxygen levels result in poor blood circulation. This causes poor sensitivity towards temperature.

  • Tongue inflammation: Iron deficiency causes inflammation in the tongue known as anaemia tongue. It causes swelling in the tongue, difficulty in swallowing, pain, speaking impairment, and white patches. This condition arises due to a lack of blood transport to the cells. The tongue also turns paler than usual.

  • Brittle nails: Low levels of ferritin in blood cause brittle nails, also known as spoon nails or koilonychia. This condition causes nails to get softened, thin, and concave in shape.

  • Pica: Pica is a condition characterised by an abnormal urge to eat non-nutritious items like chalk, clay, ice; or crunchy food items. Some of these items can largely risk your health. This craving is strongly associated with iron deficiency and can be reversed by iron supplementation.

  • Loss of appetite: Appetite is regulated by a hormone called ghrelin. Due to iron deficiency, the levels of ghrelin hormones are elevated resulting in poor appetite. The restoration of iron levels reduces ghrelin levels and brings back the appetite. This condition is specifically seen among infants and young children.

The above conditions can be altered by incorporating food rich in iron or by taking iron supplements on a doctor’s prescription. Iron, an essential mineral, must be obtained from food and supplements. It is necessary to keep an optimal intake of iron-rich foods. Some iron-rich foods to include in the diet are green vegetables, legumes, seeds and nuts, and whole grains. For non-vegetarians — fish, meat, egg, and chicken can be added sources of iron. The intake of Vitamin C can accelerate iron absorption in the body.

Even if your body shows the above symptoms, it is important to take medical advice and go for a blood test to know about the underlying cause of the condition.



iron deficiency
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iron deficiency
health signs
iron deficiency
health signs