Disease Prevention

Disease Prevention

Prevent Dengue and Malaria this Monsoon

Prevent Dengue and Malaria this Monsoon

Sep 12, 2024

Sep 12, 2024

Prevent dengue and malaria during monsoon season with effective mosquito protection tips.
Prevent dengue and malaria during monsoon season with effective mosquito protection tips.
Prevent dengue and malaria during monsoon season with effective mosquito protection tips.

Mosquito-borne diseases like Malaria are more widespread during monsoon due to waterlogging, unhygienic conditions, and wastewater practices. Let’s protect ourselves from the life-threatening Dengue and Malaria cases, this monsoon.


blood transfer mosquito

Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease that begins with a viral fever. Dengue fever is caused by a family of viruses that can be transmitted in a person’s body through species of “Aedes” mosquitoes. If the infected mosquito bites another person, the person’s bloodstream gets infected with a virus.

Malaria is caused by the injection of “Plasmodium Parasite” in the bloodstream through a mosquito bite. Malaria is transmitted from one person to the other, through blood transfer during blood donation, from mother to an unborn child during pregnancy. Parasites through the bloodstream can also affect the liver in the body.


fever headache

Few malaria symptoms are headache, high fever, muscle pain, and chest pain. Dengue has actively contributed in the past to the mortality rate. Symptoms of dengue are muscle pain, nausea, fatigue, and restlessness. If you notice these symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.


  • Vicinity should be kept clean and dry without waterlogging. Accumulated dirty water is a source for mosquitoes to breed.

  • Wear protective clothing without too much body exposure, especially while going to mosquito infected areas. Stay home. Only venture out if need be.

  • Use a mosquito repellent cream with good content of DEET chemical, to protect your skin from bites.


Few home remedies and natural treatments are -

  • Fresh guava juice helps in building immunity and reducing a person’s fever.

  • Fenugreek seeds soaked in hot water will be beneficial to Dengue patients. This water should be taken twice a day.

  • Papaya Leaf Juice is appropriate to cure both dengue and malaria. The chopped leaves can be blended with boiled water that is cooled down in a mixer. The result is a dark green liquid. Add sugar and salt for good taste. This improves the person’s platelet count as it decreases due to dengue.

These home remedies can be consumed in addition to the prescribed medication by a qualified doctor.



dengue prevention
malaria awareness
monsoon health tips
dengue prevention
malaria awareness
monsoon health tips
dengue prevention
malaria awareness
monsoon health tips