Bone and Joint Health

Bone and Joint Health

5 Steps towards Better Bone Health

5 Steps towards Better Bone Health

Aug 15, 2024

Aug 15, 2024

bone health, joint care, wellness tips, calcium, Pharmacy Pro
bone health, joint care, wellness tips, calcium, Pharmacy Pro
bone health, joint care, wellness tips, calcium, Pharmacy Pro

Bones are the most important part of our body. They vitalize the body by giving it support to move and carry out other activities. Along with that, they protect the essential organs i.e. the brain and heart from any form of injury. Furthermore, the bones keep themselves strong by storing minerals like calcium and phosphorus and releasing them whenever required.

Strong bones ensure to protect the bones against any injury and improves balance and coordination. It also ensures flexibility. However, as we grow older, the stiffness in the bones increases and flexibility reduces. Hence, it is necessary to focus on better bone health to prevent any further mishaps. How does one do that?

Don’t worry, here are some easy steps you can follow and get one step closer towards healthier bones!

  • Add more vegetables to your diet

Vegetables are excellent for your bones! Plus, they are rich sources of vitamin C which stimulates the production of bone-forming cells. Also, vitamin C is essential as it has antioxidant properties that prevent cell damage.

Spinach, broccoli, cabbage, ladyfinger (okra), kale, peas are the vegetables you need to add to your diet daily.

  • Consume calcium throughout the day

Undoubtedly, calcium is the most important mineral for bone health which is also found in your bones. Old bone cells are constantly broken down and replaced by new ones, it’s important to consume calcium daily to protect bone structure and strength.

Needless to say, dairy products like cheese, milk, yogurt, etc. are rich sources of calcium.

However, if you want to go dairy-free, legumes like chickpea, lentils, and red beans are a good option. Snacking on nuts and seeds like sunflower, chia, and sesame seeds is also a great option because nuts like walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, are rich in calcium.

Talking about fruits, kiwis, oranges, bananas, and apricots have a high content of calcium which is why you should add them to your plate now! ‘Other than that, eggs are also suggested.

  • Keep your body active

Engaging in exercise can help you build and maintain strong bones. Here are some ideas to help keep your bones strong.

Weight-bearing exercises like running, walking, swimming, aerobics, dancing, tennis, and golf.

Resistance activities like lifting weights or push-ups help build muscle, which keeps your bones strong.

Stretching exercises like yoga help improve balance and coordination, which will lower your risk of falling and breaking bones.

  • Add foods high in Omega-3 fats and magnesium

Omega-3 fats are well known for their anti-inflammatory effects and also help protect bone loss during the aging process. However, consuming too much of it is not good for your body.

Fatty fish like salmon and sardines are recommended. Plant sources would be flax seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, peanuts, and chia seeds.

  • Focus on consuming vitamin D

Vitamin D plays several roles in bone health, including helping your body absorb calcium. Good sources of vitamin D include oily fish, such as salmon, trout, whitefish, and tuna.

Additionally, mushrooms, eggs, and fortified foods, such as milk and cereals, are good sources of vitamin D. Sunlight also contributes to the body’s production of vitamin D. You can also consult your doctor for additional supplements.

Developing healthy bones is an ongoing process. Inculcating and practicing these tiny steps will help you attain healthier and stronger bones in the longer run. This will boost your overall health and wellness. Start with these tiny steps, today!



bone health
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wellness tips
bone health
joint care
wellness tips
bone health
joint care
wellness tips