Heart Health

Heart Health

5 Secrets For A Healthy Heart Revealed

5 Secrets For A Healthy Heart Revealed

Sep 7, 2024

Sep 7, 2024

heart care, heart disease prevention, cardiovascular health, Pharmacy Pro
heart care, heart disease prevention, cardiovascular health, Pharmacy Pro
heart care, heart disease prevention, cardiovascular health, Pharmacy Pro

Cardiovascular health performs an integral role in a healthy heart. Heart health forms the foundation for overall good health pumping 2000 gallons of blood daily for the body system to operate efficiently. Based on the analysis of the Lancet, a medical journal, cardiovascular disease mortality in India was 2.1 million in 2015 conveying the significance of a healthy heart for a healthy lifestyle.

Restore your healthcare with freshness and perfection to protect yourself from heart disease amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. A healthy heart is essential for a healthy mind, body, and soul as the heart is associated with every body part. Dietary preferences, lifestyle modifications, and emotional well-being contribute to the best heart health.

Few risk factors of cardiovascular diseases are high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, highest blood glucose levels, highest body mass index[BMI], and obesity. Manage these causes for a healthy lifestyle.

headache, chest pain, extreme tiredness

Symptoms of heart disease are chest pain, sweating, nausea, fainting, extreme tiredness, sudden vision loss, and headache. If you notice these symptoms, consult a cardiologist. Let’s be updated on healthcare practices to protect ourselves from cardiovascular diseases -

walking speed, cardio workouts, increase water intake
  • Walking Speed

Walking weekly is advisable for health benefits like decreased weight, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress, and develops immunity. Walking helps decrease the belly fat by 5% and develops artery health reducing the risk of stroke.

  • Cardio Workouts and Yoga

Invest your time in cardio exercises for heart health weekly for a normal pulse rate. Yoga for heart health includes Salamba(Sarvangasana), Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose), and Salamba Savasana (Shoulder Stand Pose). Health benefits are reduced blood pressure, less glucose levels, and less bad(LDL) cholesterol levels.

  • Increase Water Intake

Staying hydrated is essential. Dehydration occurs due to sweating, illness, and fever. During dehydration, blood circulation becomes critical. As water comprises 60% of weight, water intake is essential for best heart health.

intake of turmeric milk, weight loss
  • Ideal Intake of Turmeric Milk

Foods for a healthy heart are turmeric milk and water of fenugreek seeds. Turmeric with its bioactive ingredients called “curcumin” lowers cholesterol oxidation to improve heart health. Keep LDL cholesterol levels down with the intake of low saturated fats like chicken and dairy products.

  • Weight loss

Health benefits of weight loss are less joint and muscle pains, fewer chances of heart diseases, improved regulation of body fluids, and control over blood pressure. Engage in 60–90 minutes of exercises weekly to prevent obesity.

Sustainable healthcare is essential to prevent heart diseases and gain long-lasting health benefits. A firmly established and fixed healthcare schedule with an ideal diet intake for a healthy heart is important. Incorporating healthcare measures in your lifestyle daily for a healthy heart with consistency is significant. Prevent, diagnose, and treat early.



heart care
heart disease prevention
cardiovascular health
heart care
heart disease prevention
cardiovascular health
heart care
heart disease prevention
cardiovascular health